Based on the novel written by Stephen Chbosky, this is about 15-year-old Charlie (Logan Lerman), an endearing and naive outsider, coping with first love (Emma Watson), the suicide of his best friend, and his own mental illness while struggling to find a group of people with whom he belongs. The introvert freshman is taken under the wings of two seniors, Sam and Patrick, who welcome him to the real world.
[TITLE].........................[ The Perks of Being a Wallflower
[DIRECTOR]......................[ Stephen Chbosky
[RELEASE DATE]..................[ 12 October 2012 (USA)
[FORMAT]:.......................[ Matroska (MKV)
[GENRE]:........................[ Drama | Romance
[NO OF CDs].....................[ 1
[FILE SIZE]:....................[ 800MB
[RESOLUTION]:...................[ 1280x720
[LANGUAGE]:.....................[ English
[SUBTITLES]:....................[ English [Softcoded] - muxed
[ORIGINAL RUNTIME]:.............[ 01:42:40
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:..............[ 01:42:40
[ENCODER]:......................[ ShAaNiG
[SOURCE]:.......................[ 720p.BluRay-SPARKS
[DIRECTOR]......................[ Stephen Chbosky
[RELEASE DATE]..................[ 12 October 2012 (USA)
[FORMAT]:.......................[ Matroska (MKV)
[GENRE]:........................[ Drama | Romance
[NO OF CDs].....................[ 1
[FILE SIZE]:....................[ 800MB
[RESOLUTION]:...................[ 1280x720
[LANGUAGE]:.....................[ English
[SUBTITLES]:....................[ English [Softcoded] - muxed
[ORIGINAL RUNTIME]:.............[ 01:42:40
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:..............[ 01:42:40
[ENCODER]:......................[ ShAaNiG
[SOURCE]:.......................[ 720p.BluRay-SPARKS
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